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Logic pro x control surfaces support manual free download.Logic Pro Users Guides and ManualsLogic pro x control surfaces support manual free download -
Some devices may require different or additional steps, but in most cases you only need to select the name of the device you want to use with Logic Pro, then add it. You can select more than one model by Command-clicking multiple entries in the list. If you select more than one model, Logic Pro performs the operation for each model, in turn. This process may take a few minutes. You can also press Enter, or double-click the device name to initiate the scan.
Logic Pro scans your system for connected devices, and automatically installs and connects to those it finds. Add a control surface manually Some control surfaces don t support automatic scanning. Such devices must be added manually to your setup. Note: It is preferable to install devices by scanning, whenever possible.
Logic Pro is able to gather more information about devices through scanning than with manual installation. If another control surface of the selected type already exists in your setup, a warning dialog asks you to confirm the addition of the new device. A control surface group consists of multiple devices that you combine to create a single, unified virtual control surface. You can create up to 20 control surface groups.
Each group can consist of any number of physical devices. The only limiting factor is the number of available ports. You can independently determine the default behavior of each device in a group. For more information, see Device parameters on page The order of the icons from left to right defines the order in which tracks and parameters are arranged and displayed on the devices.
Mackie Control 1 controls channels 1 to 8, XT 1 controls channels 9 to 16, and XT 2 handles channels 17 to In the second row, the Mackie Control 2 and Mackie Control XT 3 form a second control surface group, controlling instruments on channels 1 to 8 and auxes on channels 9 to In the third row, the HUI forms a single unit control surface group.
This allows you to access, edit, and automate different sections of the Logic Pro Mixer. In the example above, the three units in the top row could be used to control audio and MIDI channel strips. In the second row, Mackie Control 2 could be used to control software instrument channel strips 1 to 8, and XT 3 could be used to control aux channel strips 1 to 8.
The HUI could be used to edit group definitions. The physical placement of units and the way you use them are completely flexible. Note: In most situations, the placement of your control surface units in relation to each other should be the same onscreen as in the real world.
Once you have created a control surface group, you can configure it in the Setup window. For more information, see Control Surface Group parameters overview on page You can configure your control surface setup to meet your needs by editing these parameters.
Important: Any changes to settings in the Setup window or from the device are saved in a preferences file, named com. This file is saved independently of the Logic Pro Preferences file. When the device is added, the automatic setup or scan procedure sets the appropriate MIDI input and output port settings for the device.
Module: Shows the name of the control surface. Model: Shows the model name of the control surface. Version: Shows the firmware version for some control surfaces. Color: Click to select the color that indicates which tracks are being controlled by this control surface.
Choose the color from the color picker that opens. In the Tracks window, the tracks controlled by this device are colored along the left edge of the track list when control surface bars are displayed.
Special parameters Some control surfaces such as the Mackie Control allow you to define special parameters such as fader touch sensitivity. When a device that offers special parameters is connected, the special parameters area appears in the inspector. For more information about supported special parameters, refer to the documentation for your device. These parameters apply to the group associated with the selected device and allow you to set up each group to meet your needs.
Many group parameters can also be changed directly from the control surface. Control Surface Group parameters are divided into several areas. Display parameters Flip Mode pop-up menu: Choose the functions for the faders and rotary encoders of the channel strips on the device. For control surfaces that contain a fader and a rotary encoder for each channel strip, Flip mode allows you to assign both controls to the same parameter, or to swap their assignments.
The choices are: Off: Standard mode, with the fader acting as a volume control. Duplicate: Assigns both the fader and encoder to the currently selected encoder parameter. Swap: Switches the fader and encoder assignments, making the fader a pan control and the encoder a channel volume control, for example.
Mute: Disables the fader. This is useful when recording in the same room as the control surface and you want to avoid the mechanical noise of the faders. Any existing automation still functions normally. Display Mode: Click to limit the device display to only the name or only the value of the current parameter. This is helpful if there is insufficient space for the display of both the parameter name and value.
Clock Display: If your control surface features a position display, this parameter determines how the playhead position is represented. Channel Strip View Mode pop-up menu: Choose one of the following views: Arrange: The channel strips on the device correspond to Logic Pro channel strips as they appear in the Mixer window. The layout of channel strips matches the way tracks are laid out in the Tracks window. Channel strip 1 in the Mixer window is equivalent to channel 1 on the control surface, channel strip 2 in the Mixer is equivalent to channel 2, and so on.
Instruments and channels used by multiple tracks are merged into one channel. This is the default mode of most devices, including the Mackie Control. All: The channel strips on the device correspond to Logic Pro channel strips of certain types, such as MIDI or aux channels, independent of their use in tracks. Control surfaces that support this view generally allow you to define which channel types you want to display.
Tracks: This view is similar to Arrange view, but individual channel strips are shown when multiple tracks address the same channel. Typically, this is a software or MIDI instrument channel, with several tracks routed to it. You can determine which parameters are edited by the channel strip controllers on the control surface. Note: The View is a property of the control surface group, not a global setting. One group can display busses, while the other shows tracks, for example.
Fader Bank for Tracks View: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to offset which tracks are controlled by the channel strips of the device in Tracks view. For example, if your device has eight channel strips, these might normally be assigned to audio channel strips 1 8 in Logic Pro.
Fader Bank for All View: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to offset which Logic Pro channel strips are controlled by the device in All view. This parameter is only available when multiple channel strip types are displayed in the Mixer. When single channel strip types are displayed, there are separate fader bank parameters. These aren t displayed in the parameter list. Channel Strip Parameter pop-up menu: Choose which function is controlled by the channel strip encoders on the device.
The choices are: Volume: Encoders adjust channel volume. Pan: Encoders adjust channel panorama position. Format: Encoders adjust or select channel format. Input: Encoders adjust or select channel input source. Automation: Encoders adjust or select channel automation mode. Group: Encoders adjust group membership of the track. Editing the parameter allows you to set either no group or a single group.
Enabling membership of multiple groups is not possible. This can only be done directly in the Logic Pro Mixer. Displayed Par. This is especially useful if you set the control surface to Arrange view, and your Tracks window shows multiple automation subtracks with Logic Pro parameters.
Surround Parameter pop-up menu: Choose the surround parameter that the rotary encoders will control. The choices are: Angle: Encoders adjust surround angle. Diversity: Encoders adjust surround diversity direction. Spread: Encoders adjust the Spread parameter of Stereo to Surround channel strips. X: Encoders adjust surround X position. Y: Encoders adjust surround Y position. Center: Encoders adjust the Center channel level. Note: The X and Y parameters are a different representation of the Angle and Diversity parameters, and thus are independent of them.
The X and Y parameters support the use of surround joysticks. The choices are: Frequency: Encoders adjust the frequency of the selected band. Gain: Encoders adjust the gain of the selected band.
Q: Encoders adjust the Q factor of the selected band. The Channel and Linear Phase EQs feature eight bands per audio channel, with each band offering four parameters.
All of these parameters can be accessed with your control surface. If your control surface does not display all EQ parameters at once, you view them by stepping through the parameter pages in sequence. For example, if your control surface has eight channel strips, you can directly control parameters 1 to 8 with knobs or sliders 1 to 8 when you switch to EQ Channel Strip Edit view.
You then need to switch by a page to access parameters 9 to Control Surface Group send and plug-in parameters The parameters in the middle of the Control Surface Group parameters let you control different operational aspects when working with send and plug-in parameters.
Send and plug-in parameters Send Slot: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to set the currently selected Send slot. The default is 1, which sets the first top Send on each channel as the Send slot.
A value of 2 sets the second send as the Send slot, a value of 3, the third Send slot, and so on. The choices are: Destination: Encoder is used to determine the bus channel number for the Send slot. Level: Encoder is used to adjust the Send level. Send Parameter Page: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to set the current page for the Send parameters.
Up to 32 parameters are available in Send Channel Strip view for a given channel eight Send slots multiplied by the four parameters listed above. Split: no. The remaining encoders belong to Split Lower. A value of 0 means that Split mode is off all encoders are assigned to the Split Upper area. They are called Split Upper and Split Lower. Instrument Parameter Page: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to determine which parameter is assigned to the leftmost encoder when editing a software instrument.
The next instrument parameter is assigned to encoder 2, and so on. This applies to Split Upper when Split mode is turned on.
Inst Param Page Split Lower : Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to set the parameter that is assigned to the leftmost encoder of Split Lower when editing a software instrument when Split mode is turned on. Insert Slot: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to set the current Insert slot number, both for selecting a plug-in in Plug-in Channel Strip view and for editing its parameters.
The default is 1, which sets the first top plug-in slot on each channel as the Insert slot. A value of 2 sets the second plug-in slot as the Insert slot, and so on. This applies only to Split Upper when Split mode is turned on. Insert Slot Split Lower : Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to set the current Insert slot number for Split Lower when selecting or editing a plug-in when Split mode is turned on.
Note: The effect plug-in and instrument page parameters are kept separate because this allows you to quickly switch between editing an instrument and editing an effect plug-in on a channel, without adjusting the parameter page every time.
Plug-in Parameter Page: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to define which parameter is assigned to the leftmost encoder when editing a plug-in. The next plug-in parameter is assigned to encoder 2, and so on. Plug-in Param Page Split Lower : Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to define which parameter is assigned to the leftmost encoder of Split Lower when editing a plug-in with Split mode turned on.
Channel Strip Track: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to define which track is displayed for Channel Strip views. Channel Strip Track Split Lower : Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to define which track is displayed in the Split Lower section of the control surface for Channel Strip views, when Split mode is turned on. Track Lock checkbox: Click to determine how the control surface responds when a track is selected in Logic Pro in essence, this remotely affects the Track and Track Split Lower parameters.
When Track Lock is turned on, the control surface group continues to display the same track, independent of the currently selected track in Logic Pro.
When Track Lock is turned off, the control surface group automatically switches to the track selected in Logic Pro. Other parameters Track Name Format: Choose whether the track name display shows only the track name or the track name and number. Parameter Page Shift Mode: Choose whether the parameter is shifted by one page or by one parameter.
Relative Change Mode: Choose the mode for controller assignments that support a Relative Value Change mode rotary encoders, for example.
The choices are: Coarse: The parameter is adjusted in coarse steps. Full: Rotating the encoder to the right sets the maximum value and rotating it to the left sets the minimum value. The encoder also stops at its default value. For example, when the Pan knob is left of center, turning the encoder to the right initially sets the Pan parameter to the center position its default value. A further turn to the right sets Pan to full right its maximum value. Fine: The parameter is incremented or decremented in fine steps by one tick or other unit.
In this mode, the highest possible resolution is used. For example, when editing the Sample Delay plug-in s Delay parameter, every encoder tick increases or decreases the value by 1 sample, regardless of the resolution value. Mix Group: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to determine which group is edited when in Group Edit mode.
Group Parameter Page: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to define which parameter of the edited group is assigned to the leftmost encoder. Important: If you want to make changes to the default assignments of control surfaces, you need to use the Controller Assignments window Easy view or Expert view. See Controller assignments overview. Click the General or Help Tags tab to access the associated preferences.
This command is useful for silencing motorized control surface faders when recording in the same room. General preferences Bypass All while in background checkbox: Turn on to allow your control surface to be shared with other applications, when Logic Pro is not the active program. Resolution of Relative Controls slider: Drag to set the resolution of controls that change values in a relative manner.
The default resolution is steps. Choose a higher resolution value to divide the value range into finer increments. You can adjust the value if MIDI or automation playback is being affected. Touching fader selects track checkbox: Turn on to select the track corresponding to the fader when you touch a fader on the control surface. Note: This feature works only with devices that have touch-sensitive faders. Control surface follows track selection checkbox: Turn on to automatically select the corresponding track or channel on the control surface when you select a track in the Tracks window.
To retain a consistent resolution, regardless of Logic Pro window zoom levels, deselect this checkbox. Pickup Mode checkbox: Turn on to use your control surface in Pickup mode if this mode is available.
Some control surfaces, typically those without motorized faders or knobs, do not show parameter changes caused by playing back existing automation data on their interface.
Such control surfaces usually offer a Pickup mode. In Pickup mode, the controller must reach pick up the current value before the value starts to change. This feature prevents sudden jumps of parameter values caused by playing back automation.
Your device may provide a display usually a pair of arrow LEDs that indicates the direction or distance you need to move the controller, in order to match the settings shown in Logic Pro also known as NULL. Once you have matched the onscreen values, deactivate Pickup mode and start automating. When Pickup mode is turned off, adjusting a fader modifies the parameter immediately which can result in parameter value jumps.
Flash Mute and Solo buttons checkbox: Turn on to make the Mute and Solo buttons on the control surface blink flash on and off when mute or solo modes are engaged. Multiple Controls per Parameter pop-up menu: Choose the maximum number of encoders used for each parameter when editing plug-ins or audio instruments. The choices are: 1: Parameters are always displayed using one encoder per parameter, with the least space available for the parameter name and value in the LCD.
The first encoder of each group controls the parameter shown in the display. The remaining encoders are inactive. Using more than one encoder per parameter shows fewer parameters at any given time, but you gain space on the LCD to cater to longer parameter names and values. The more control surfaces you have within a control surface group, the more you benefit from this feature. Only when all parameters fit on one page checkbox: Turn on to use the defined number of encoders only when there are sufficient encoders available to show all parameters without changing pages.
Eleven encoders remain unused. A plug-in with 11 parameters is shown with two encoders per parameter. Two encoders remain unused as do the inactive encoders of the subdivisions mentioned above. When this parameter is turned off, multiple encoders are used for each parameter, which may require scrolling. This is not the case if only one encoder is used for each parameter. You can set this option separately for instrument and plug-in parameters, and for volume and other channel strip parameters.
Turn off this option if viewing units makes the display too cluttered. Controller Assignments button: Click to open the Controller Assignments window.
Expert view is available only when you select the Show Advanced Tools checkbox and the Control Surfaces checkbox in the Advanced Logic Pro preferences. Setup button: Click to open the Control Surfaces Setup window. Help Tags preferences For control surfaces that feature programmable displays with more than six characters per line or segment of the display, you can change the way help tags are shown.
Control surface help tags show additional information during use. Help Tags preferences While editing show long names for checkboxes: Turn on the two checkboxes in this section to determine how parameter names and values are displayed on the LCD of the control surface.
Parameter name checkbox: Turn on to show the full parameter name in the upper LCD line when you edit a parameter. Parameter value checkbox: Turn on to show the full parameter value in the lower LCD line when you edit a parameter. Note: The following options only have an effect if at least one of the two parameters described above is active. The owner or authorized user. The owner or authorized user of a valid copy. Under copyright laws, this guide may not be duplicated in whole or in part without the written consent of.
Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written. Main features The owner or authorized. Basics Mbox 2 Version 7. This guide may not be duplicated in whole or in part without the express written consent of. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the.
Mbox Basics Guide Version 6. Manual Disclaimer The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this document. All Rights Reserved. Setup Guide Disclaimer The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH.
Record and mix without always having to point and click. QCon Pro X puts the functions of your DAW at your fingertips by providing you with nine 9 full sized motorized faders, eight 8 rotary dual-function encoders, two 2 large backlit LCD screens, LED volume metering, a jog wheel and plenty of buttons to press.
Adjust multiple volume or pan levels simultaneously. Mute or solo numerous tracks on the fly. Use the transport section to conveniently play, stop, fast forward, rewind, record, loop, zoom, punch in and punch out of your compositions. Spin the nicely sized jog wheel to scrub through tracks and address areas of special interest.
Dedicated buttons also allow you to access your entire mix by banking across tracks in groups of 8 or 1 track at a time. Bitwig Studio 8-Track is included. Dial in EQ frequencies, Q or gain with the rotary encoders.
The values of different parameters are shown on the upper LCD screen. Control Virtual Instruments as well. Automation of track and plugin parameters is also made easy with QCon Pro X.
QCon Pro X is also scalable. Expand in groups of 8 up to 64 channels depending on your DAW, so you can create a custom surface to fit your needs. With the QCon Pro X you get the best of both worlds; the total recall, power and flexibility of your DAW with the look, feel and functionality of a sturdy piece of hardware.
The following list includes the maximum number of extenders you can use with the specified DAW. While an update to firmware version 2. Find out more or adjust your settings. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful.
Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. QCon Pro XS. QCon Pro G2. QCon EX G2. Platform D2. Platform Nano Air.
Platform Nano. Platform D3 for Platform Nano. APP-Digital Performer. Platform Air. APP-Ableton Live. UMIX Satellite. QCon Pro. Qcon Ex. Platform M. Platform X. Qcon Lite. Virtual 6FH.
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