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Breadth of the product portfolio Aside from product quality and brands, another important parameter of competition is the breadth of the product portfolio. This is explained by the fact that there is a wide variety of solvents and inorganics purchased by the customers and used in testing and quality control protocols.

On the other hand, suppliers typically strive to supply the whole spectrum, often under the same brand. Some respondents expressly indicated 77 See reply of a customer to questions — Phase I questionnaire to customers.

Channels to the market Customers of solvents and inorganics are typically companies and other institutions, such as academic institutions, which have a research facility or a laboratory where they perform testing or quality control of their products. Sales are therefore scattered across a wide number of customers, which often need small quantities of several products from the portfolio. In order to be able to compete on this market, it is thus essential to own or have access to an efficient distribution system, also enabling a quick time of delivery of often hazardous or temperature sensitive material.

These findings are in line with the market analysis of the Parties as outlined in their internal documents. This is clearly a 86 Agreed minutes of the call with [Company Name], Barriers to entry to the catalogue solvents and inorganics markets Despite the leading position and closeness of competition of Merck and Sigma in the whole EEA, the Notifying Party argues that, in any event, anticompetitive effects could be excluded since barriers to entry in the markets for the supply of catalogue solvents and inorganics are low.

In this context the Notifying Party reiterates that suppliers of catalogue solvents and inorganics which are often purchasing raw chemicals in bulk from the large chemical manufacturers provide limited added value services, such as quality assurance and control, or purification, to the product originally produced by bulk manufacturers.

Contracts with third party manufacturers would be widely available and raw materials producers, such as Ineos, Akzo Nobel and BASF, which are already present in respect to bulk sales, would be capable of entering the catalogue market quickly if a hypothetical price increase made such entry attractive.

Finally, customers would easily switch among brands given the identity of the products purchased. In line with the general features of the market exposed above, the barriers to entry to these markets are considerable. This analysis is also shared by many customers. The utilization rate of a plant would typically be low and sales of solvents and inorganics in small quantities appear to be a viable activity only if a supplier can propose a wide portfolio of chemicals to an important customer base.

In this respect, it is crucial for any party willing to enter this market to be able to offer a sufficiently broad product portfolio across the spectrum of solvents and inorganics. This analysis was confirmed by market participants Nobody knows which item sells well in advance, so many items must be stored in each area to be delivered quickly.

In particular, as to inorganics, Sigma had a long patent protection on first generation Karl Fisher titration solutions, from to On , Sigma was granted a new patent protection for a second generation Karl Fisher titration solution, which will expire in Bulk manufacturers explained that they would not be willing or able to start being active in the laboratory chemicals market post-merger.

Customers would not trust the brand. Besides these significant barriers to switching, barriers to entry are also high and would make it unlikely for other players, including large bulk chemical companies, to enter or expand on this market. Organics and other laboratory chemicals According to data provided by the Notifying Party, the Transaction results in 9 horizontally affected markets or market segments in the supply of organics and other laboratory chemicals reference materials, analytical chromatography, industrial microbiology in the EEA.

In those instances where the products concerned are materially subject to IP rights, as it is the case for instance for HPLC Columns, the parties do not have a significant share of the market.

Product market The Notifying Party submits that the relevant product market for distribution comprises the distribution of all laboratory and life science products. Distributors are able and do offer a range of products including laboratory chemicals as well as other laboratory consumables and life science products.

Moreover, the same product market would comprise both traditional distributors and on-line distributors, as despite the different features of these channels, on-line distributors offer a range of products that is equivalent to that offered by traditional distributors.

One distributor also generically indicated reference standards as an area of strength. Geographic market The Notifying Party submits that there is a trend towards cross-border distribution of laboratory and life science products, although it acknowledges that the distribution market could be divided across national lines.

Competition assessment IV. As the Parties do not have a significant degree of market power on the downstream market, customer foreclosure is unlikely to be a concern in the case at hand. Input foreclosure As evidenced in sections IV. Should the merged entity be deemed to have a significant degree of market power regarding the upstream markets, it could potentially have an ability and incentive to leverage influence on the conditions of competition in these markets on prices and supply conditions in the downstream market for the distribution of laboratory and life science products.

Nonetheless, these markets will only represent a fraction of the entire laboratory and life science portfolio of any given distributor, thereby mitigating the impact of any possible input foreclosure from the combined entity. Furthermore, the full overlap in relation to solvents and inorganics sold in the EEA will be removed by the Commitments offered by the Parties, and thus any vertical concerns will also be mitigated.

Indeed, sales through distributors are a complementary sales channel to direct sales, and allow manufacturers of laboratory chemicals to expand their geographic and customer footprint. Given the highly fragmented customer base in relation to laboratory chemicals, suppliers always have an incentive to rely on a number of distributors to achieve as wide sales of their products as possible. This is also illustrated by the strategy of Thermo-Fisher, a key vertically integrated competitor of the Parties, which besides its own distribution channels also sells a number of its products through a global distributor VWR.

Conclusion In view of the information provided by the Parties, and of the results of the market investigation, the Commission therefore concludes that the proposed Transaction is unlikely to significantly impede competition in relation to the market for the distribution of laboratory and life science products. Framework for the assessment of the Commitments Where a concentration raises serious doubts as regards its compatibility with the internal market, the Parties may undertake to modify the concentration so as to remove the grounds for the serious doubts identified by the Commission.

Concerning the form of acceptable commitments, the Merger Regulation gives discretion to the Commission as long as the commitments meet the requisite standard. Structural commitments will meet the conditions set out above only in so far as the Commission is able to conclude with the requisite degree of certainty, at the time of its Decision, that it will be possible to implement them and that it will be likely that the new commercial structures resulting from them will be sufficiently workable and lasting to ensure that effective competition will be maintained.

The Commission market tested the Initial Commitments in order to assess whether they are sufficient and suitable to remedy serious doubts identified in the catalogue solvents and inorganics markets.

These Final Commitments are annexed to this Decision and form an integral part thereof. The license is followed by an additional […]black-out period during which neither Merck nor the Purchaser are allowed to sell solvents and inorganics under the Sigma-Aldrich brand in the EEA; d.

Results of the market test and assessment of the Initial Commitments The market test was launched on 22 May and sought to assess mainly the scope and effectiveness of the Initial Commitments, their viability, the attractiveness of the Divestment Business as well as the suitability of the Purchaser criteria. Specifically, the following key issues were raised: a.

Final Commitments The Parties were informed of the shortcomings identified during the market test within a framework of a State of play meeting held on 2 June and submitted a final text of Commitments addressing the issues on 11 June Overall assessment of the Final Commitments The Commission analysed the suitability of the Final Commitments to remedy the serious doubts identified in relation to catalogue solvents and inorganics markets in the EEA.

To this end, the Commission assessed whether the scope of the Commitments is sufficient and suitable to address the competition concerns identified and the nature of the industry, whether the Divestment Business is viable and the Commitments are likely to be effective in practice and whether the Commitments can be easily implemented and, finally, whether the Divestment Business is attractive for purchasers. Scope of the Final Commitments and their suitability to remove the identified concerns As explained in this Decision, the significant impediments to effective competition stemming from this case reside in the combination of the most extensive product portfolios, the strongest brands and the most effective channels to the market in the area of solvents and inorganics in the EEA, in markets characterised by significant barriers to switching and significant barriers to entry.

Specifically, it contains manufacturing assets Sigma used in Seelze pursuant to the agreements with Honeywell, all important brands under which solvents and inorganics are sold in the EEA, and solutions for bringing the product to the market irrespective of the nature of the Purchaser.

Indeed, even if the Purchaser were not to have any pre-existing sales capability, the Final Commitments would allow it to be immediately present in the market […]. This, on the one hand, mitigates any risk of brand confusion and enhances chances for a long-term viability of the Divestment Business and, on the other hand, enlarges the scope of the Divestment Business beyond the EEA in relation to the main brand, and in particular the one under which the signature Karl Fisher titration solutions and many other premium quality solvents and inorganics are successfully sold worldwide.

In this respect, the option to acquire further equipment from Steinheim, Buchs and other locations where solvents and inorganics sold in the EEA are currently manufactured by Sigma further enhances the production capabilities of the Divestment Business. It does not include only assets but also critical elements to make a player successful in the solvents and inorganics markets in the EEA, which are a well-known brand, a wide portfolio of products, including high margin inorganics such as Karl Fisher titration solutions, various key customers information and the channels to the market.

The product portfolio of solvents and inorganics under the Divestment Business is sufficiently broad to ensure viability as divested solvents and inorganics cover a wide spectrum of laboratory and inorganics, including best-in-class Sigma products such as Karl Fisher titration solutions.

Given the small size of the sales associated with these products, the viability of the Divestment Business is unlikely to be affected. This further enhances the viability of the Divestment Business if operated by a suitable Purchaser.

In addition, the transfer of the Fluka related know-how will foster customer retention as customers will have to turn to the Purchaser to obtain these products. Indeed, the rebranding and black-out periods in relation to the Sigma Aldrich branded products will allow a suitable Purchaser for sufficient time to establish itself in the market with a new brand and develop customer relationships.

In light of this additional extension, the Commission takes the view that co-branding is not necessary. Furthermore, as solvents and inorganics are very different products from other laboratory chemicals, and often sold under different trades names, the final scope of the Divestment Business would not affect the success of the re-branding.

The transfer of […] further enhance the capacity of a suitable Purchaser to reach a fragmented customer base all over the EEA. Overall, the Divestment Business is therefore viable and can be run profitably by a suitable Purchaser. It follows the Commitments are likely to be effective in practice. Ability of the Final Commitments to be implemented in practice Given that the core of the manufacturing assets are located in Seelze which is exploited by Sigma and Honeywell pursuant to a set of agreements […].

Thus, the Commission will approve the Purchaser only if it has assurances that the Purchaser […]. Attractiveness of the package for Purchasers The attractiveness of the Divestment Business was evidenced by the number of potentially interested purchasers, including in particular large competitors of the Parties in the life science area already supplying laboratory chemicals.

Conclusion on Final Commitments For the reasons outlined above, and in view of the results of the market test and the ensuing improvements to the Commitments, the Commission considers the Final Commitments to be sufficient in scope and suitable to eliminate the serious doubts as to the compatibility of the Transaction with the internal market in relation to catalogue solvents and inorganics markets in the EEA.

Where the undertakings concerned commit a breach of an obligation, the Commission may revoke the clearance decision in accordance with Article 8 6 of the Merger Regulation. The undertakings concerned may also be subject to fines and periodic penalty payments under Articles 14 2 and 15 1 of the Merger Regulation. The full text of the final Commitments forms an integral part to this Decision. Section A. Definitions 1. Assets: the assets that contribute to the current operation or are necessary to ensure the viability and competitiveness of the Divestment Business as indicated in Section B, paragraph 2 and described more in detail in the Schedule.

Closing: the transfer of the legal title to the Divestment Business to the Purchaser. Confidential Information: any business secrets, know-how, commercial information, or any other information of a proprietary nature that is not in the public domain. Divestment Business: the business or businesses as defined in Section B and in the Schedule which the Parties commit to divest. Effective Date: the date of adoption of the Decision.

Hold Separate Manager: the person appointed by Merck for the Divestment Business to manage the day-to-day business under the supervision of the Monitoring Trustee.

Key Personnel: all personnel necessary to maintain the viability and competitiveness of the Divestment Business, as listed in the Schedule, including the Hold Separate Manager. Personnel: all staff currently employed by the Divestment Business, including staff seconded to the Divestment Business as well as additional personnel listed in the Schedule.

Purchaser: the entity approved by the Commission as acquirer of the Divestment Business in accordance with the criteria set out in Section D. Purchaser Criteria: the criteria laid down in paragraph 17 of these Commitments that the Purchaser must fulfil in order to be approved by the Commission. Schedule: the schedule to these Commitments describing more in detail the Divestment Business. The commitment to divest and the Divestment Business Commitment to divest 2.

In order to maintain effective competition, the Parties commit to divest, or procure the divestiture of the Divestment Business by the end of the Trustee Divestiture Period as a going concern to a purchaser and on terms of sale approved by the Commission in accordance with the procedure described in paragraph 18 of these Commitments. To carry out the divestiture, the Parties commit to find a purchaser and to enter into a final binding sale and purchase agreement for the sale of the Divestment Business within the First Divestiture Period.

If the Parties have not entered into such an agreement at the end of the First Divestiture Period, the Parties shall grant the Divestiture Trustee an exclusive mandate to sell the Divestment Business in accordance with the procedure described in paragraph 30 in the Trustee Divestiture Period.

The proposed concentration shall not be implemented before the Parties or the Divestiture Trustee has entered into a final binding sale and purchase agreement for the sale of the Divestment Business and the Commission has approved the purchaser and the terms of sale in accordance with paragraph The Parties shall be deemed to have complied with this commitment if: a by the end of the Trustee Divestiture Period, the Parties or the Divestiture Trustee have entered into a final binding sale and purchase agreement and the Commission approves the proposed purchaser and the terms of sale as being consistent with the Commitments in accordance with the procedure described in paragraph 18; b the Closing of the sale of the Divestment Business to the Purchaser takes place within the Closing Period; and c the transfer of assets and personnel specified in paragraphs of the Schedule has been effected, the access obligations as specified in paragraph 33 of the Schedule have been complied with and customer information as specified in paragraph 32 has been transferred.

In order to maintain the structural effect of the Commitments, the Notifying Party shall, for a period of 10 years after Closing, not acquire, whether directly or indirectly, the possibility of exercising influence as defined in paragraph 43 of the Remedies Notice, footnote 3 over the whole or part of the Divestment Business, unless, following the submission of a reasoned request from the Notifying Party showing good cause and accompanied by a report from the Monitoring Trustee as provided in paragraph of these Commitments , the Commission finds that the structure of the market has changed to such an extent that the absence of influence over the Divestment Business is no longer necessary to render the proposed concentration compatible with the internal market.

The Divestment Business consists of the business detailed in the Schedule which forms an integral part of the Commitments. The Divestment Business, described in more detail in the Schedule, includes all assets and staff that contribute to the current operation or are necessary to ensure the viability and competitiveness of the Divestment Business, in particular: a all tangible and intangible assets including rights in intellectual property ; b all licences, permits and authorisations issued by any governmental organisation for the benefit of the Divestment Business; c all contracts, leases, commitments and customer orders of the Divestment Business; all customer, credit and other records of the Divestment Business; and d the Personnel.

Strict firewall procedures will be adopted so as to ensure that any competitively sensitive information related to, or arising from the transitional arrangements described in the Schedule will not be shared with, or passed on to, anyone, other than for the purpose of the implementation of the Commitments. Section C. Related commitments Preservation of viability, marketability and competitiveness 9.

From the Effective Date until Closing, the Parties shall preserve or procure the preservation of the economic viability, marketability and competitiveness of the Divestment Business, in accordance with good business practice, and shall minimise as far as possible any risk of loss of competitive potential of the Divestment Business. In particular the Parties undertake: a not to carry out any action that might have a significant adverse impact on the value, management or competitiveness of the Divestment Business or that might alter the nature and scope of activity, or the industrial or commercial strategy or the investment policy of the Divestment Business; b to make available, or procure to make available, sufficient resources for the development of the Divestment Business, on the basis and continuation of the existing business plans; c to take all reasonable steps, or procure that all reasonable steps are being taken, including appropriate incentive schemes based on industry practice , to encourage all 5 Key Personnel to remain with the Divestment Business, and not to solicit or move any Personnel to the retained business or Merck.

Where, nevertheless, individual members of the Key Personnel exceptionally leave the Divestment Business, the Parties shall provide a reasoned proposal to replace the person or persons concerned to the Commission and the Monitoring Trustee. The Parties must be able to demonstrate to the Commission that the replacement is well suited to carry out the functions exercised by those individual members of the Key Personnel. The replacement shall take place under the supervision of the Monitoring Trustee, who shall report to the Commission.

Hold-separate obligations Until Closing, the Parties shall assist the Monitoring Trustee in ensuring that the Divestment Business is managed as a distinct and saleable entity separate from the retained businesses and Merck. Immediately after the adoption of the Decision, the Parties, upon consultation with the Commission and the Monitoring Trustee, shall appoint a Hold Separate Manager. The Hold Separate Manager, who shall be part of the Key Personnel, shall manage the Divestment Business independently and in the best interest of the business with a view to ensuring its continued economic viability, marketability and competitiveness and its independence from the retained businesses and Merck.

The Hold Separate Manager shall closely cooperate with and report to the Monitoring Trustee and, if applicable, the Divestiture Trustee. Any replacement of the Hold Separate Manager shall be subject to the procedure laid down in paragraph 8 c of these Commitments.

Furthermore, the Monitoring Trustee shall have the power to replace members of the supervisory board or non-executive directors of the board of directors, who have been appointed on behalf of any of the Parties. The Parties shall implement, or procure to implement, all necessary measures to ensure that they do not, after the Effective Date, obtain any Confidential Information relating to the Divestment Business.

Any such Confidential Information obtained by Merck before the Effective Date will be eliminated and not be used by Merck. In particular, the participation of the Divestment Business in any central information technology network shall be severed to the extent possible, without compromising the viability of the Divestment Business. The Parties may obtain or keep information relating to the Divestment Business which is reasonably necessary for the divestiture of the Divestment Business or the disclosure of which to the Parties are required by law.

Non-solicitation clause Merck undertakes, subject to customary limitations, not to solicit, and to procure that Affiliated Undertakings do not solicit, the Key Personnel transferred with the Divestment Business for a period of three 3 years after Closing. Due diligence In order to enable potential purchasers to carry out a reasonable due diligence of the Divestment Business, the Parties shall, subject to customary confidentiality assurances and dependent on the stage of the divestiture process: a provide to potential purchasers sufficient information as regards the Divestment Business; b provide to potential purchasers sufficient information relating to the Personnel and Key Personnel and allow them reasonable access to the Personnel and Key Personnel.

Reporting Merck shall submit a list of all potential purchasers having expressed interest in acquiring the Divestment Business to the Commission at each and every stage of the divestiture process, as well as a copy of all the offers made by potential purchasers within five days of their receipt. Merck shall inform the Commission and the Monitoring Trustee on the preparation of the data room documentation and the due diligence procedure and shall submit a copy of any information 7 memorandum to the Commission and the Monitoring Trustee before sending the memorandum out to potential purchasers.

Section D. The Purchaser In particular, the Purchaser must reasonably be expected to obtain all necessary approvals from the relevant regulatory authorities for the acquisition of the Divestment Business. When the Parties have reached an agreement with a purchaser, Merck shall submit a fully documented and reasoned proposal, including a copy of the final agreement s , within one week to the Commission and the Monitoring Trustee.

For the approval, the Commission shall verify that the purchaser fulfils the Purchaser Criteria and that the Divestment Business is being sold in a manner consistent with the Commitments including their objective to bring about a lasting structural change in the market.

The Commission may approve the sale of the Divestment Business without one or more Assets or parts of the Personnel, or by substituting one or more Assets or parts of the Personnel with one or more different assets or different personnel, if this does not affect the viability and competitiveness of the Divestment Business after the sale, taking account of the proposed purchaser.

Trustee I. Appointment procedure The Parties shall appoint a Monitoring Trustee to carry out the functions specified in these Commitments for a Monitoring Trustee. If the Parties have not entered into a binding sale and purchase agreement regarding the Divestment Business one 1 month before the end of the First Divestiture Period or if the Commission has rejected a purchaser proposed by Merck at that time or thereafter, the Parties shall appoint a Divestiture Trustee.

The appointment of the Divestiture Trustee shall take effect upon the commencement of the Trustee Divestiture Period. The Trustee shall be remunerated by the Notifying Party in a way that does not impede the independent and effective fulfilment of its mandate. In particular, where the remuneration package of a Divestiture Trustee includes a success premium linked to the final sale value of the Divestment Business, such success premium may only be earned if the divestiture takes place within the Trustee Divestiture Period.

Proposal by Merck No later than two 2 weeks after the Effective Date, the Parties shall submit the names of three natural or legal persons whom they propose to appoint as the Monitoring Trustee to the Commission for approval. No later than one month before the end of the First Divestiture Period or on request by the Commission, Merck shall submit a list of one or more persons whom Merck proposes to appoint as Divestiture Trustee to the Commission for approval.

The proposal shall contain sufficient information for the Commission to verify that the person or persons proposed as Trustee fulfil the requirements set out in paragraph 21 and shall include: a the full terms of the proposed mandate, which shall include all provisions necessary to enable the Trustee to fulfil its duties under these Commitments; b the outline of a work plan which describes how the Trustee intends to carry out its assigned tasks; 9 c an indication whether the proposed Trustee is to act as both Monitoring Trustee and Divestiture Trustee or whether different trustees are proposed for the two functions.

Approval or rejection by the Commission The Commission shall have the discretion to approve or reject the proposed Trustee s and to approve the proposed mandate subject to any modifications it deems necessary for the Trustee to fulfil its obligations.

If only one name is approved, Merck shall appoint or cause to be appointed the person or persons concerned as Trustee, in accordance with the mandate approved by the Commission.

If more than one name is approved, Merck shall be free to choose the Trustee to be appointed from among the names approved. New proposal by the Merck If all the proposed Trustees are rejected, Merck shall submit the names of at least two more natural or legal persons within one week of being informed of the rejection, in accordance with paragraphs 19 and 24 of these Commitments.

Trustee nominated by the Commission If all further proposed Trustees are rejected by the Commission, the Commission shall nominate a Trustee, whom Merck shall appoint, or cause to be appointed, in accordance with a trustee mandate approved by the Commission. Functions of the Trustee The Trustee shall assume its specified duties and obligations in order to ensure compliance with the Commitments.

The Commission may, on its own initiative or at the request of the Trustee or Merck, give any orders or instructions to the Trustee in order to ensure compliance with the conditions and obligations attached to the Decision. Duties and obligations of the Monitoring Trustee The Monitoring Trustee shall: i propose in its first report to the Commission a detailed work plan describing how it intends to monitor compliance with the obligations and conditions attached to the Decision. Duties and obligations of the Divestiture Trustee The Divestiture Trustee shall include in the sale and purchase agreement as well as in any ancillary agreements such terms and conditions as it considers appropriate for an expedient sale in the Trustee Divestiture Period.

In particular, the Divestiture Trustee may include in the sale and purchase agreement such customary representations and warranties and indemnities as are reasonably required to effect the sale. Such reports shall be submitted within 15 days after the end of every month with a simultaneous copy to the Monitoring Trustee and a non-confidential copy to the Notifying Party.

Duties and obligations of the Parties The Parties shall provide and shall cause their respective advisors to provide the Trustee with all such co-operation, assistance and information as the Trustee may reasonably require to perform its tasks. The Parties and the Divestment Business shall make available to the Trustee one or more offices on their premises and shall be available for meetings in order to provide the Trustee with all information necessary for the performance of its tasks.

The Parties shall provide the Monitoring Trustee with all managerial and administrative support that it may reasonably request on behalf of the management of the Divestment Business.

This shall include all administrative support functions relating to the Divestment Business which are currently carried out at headquarters level. The Parties shall provide and shall cause its advisors to provide the Monitoring Trustee, on request, with the information submitted to potential purchasers, in particular give the Monitoring Trustee access to the data room documentation and 13 all other information granted to potential purchasers in the due diligence procedure.

The Parties shall inform the Monitoring Trustee on possible purchasers, submit lists of potential purchasers at each stage of the selection process, including the offers made by potential purchasers at those stages, and keep the Monitoring Trustee informed of all developments in the divestiture process.

The Parties shall grant or procure Affiliated Undertakings to grant comprehensive powers of attorney, duly executed, to the Divestiture Trustee to effect the sale including ancillary agreements , the Closing and all actions and declarations which the Divestiture Trustee considers necessary or appropriate to achieve the sale and the Closing, including the appointment of advisors to assist with the sale process.

Upon request of the Divestiture Trustee, Merck shall cause the documents required for effecting the sale and the Closing to be duly executed. Should Merck refuse to approve the advisors proposed by the Trustee the Commission may approve the appointment of such advisors instead, after having heard Merck.

Only the Trustee shall be entitled to issue instructions to the advisors. Paragraph 28 of these Commitments shall apply mutatis mutandis. In the Trustee Divestiture Period, the Divestiture Trustee may use advisors who served Merck during the Divestiture Period if the Divestiture Trustee considers this in the best interest of an expedient sale. The Trustee shall not disclose such information and the principles contained in Article 17 1 and 2 of the Merger Regulation apply mutatis mutandis.

For a period of ten 10 years from the Effective Date the Commission may request all information from the Parties that is reasonably necessary to monitor the effective implementation of these Commitments.

Replacement, discharge and reappointment of the Trustee If the Trustee ceases to perform its functions under the Commitments or for any other good cause, including the exposure of the Trustee to a Conflict of Interest: a the Commission may, after hearing the Trustee and Merck, require Merck to replace the Trustee; or b Merck may, with the prior approval of the Commission, replace the Trustee. If the Trustee is removed according to paragraph 40 of these Commitments, the Trustee may be required to continue in its function until a new Trustee is in place to whom the Trustee has effected a full hand over of all relevant information.

The new Trustee shall be appointed in accordance with the procedure referred to in paragraphs of these Commitments. Unless removed according to paragraph 40 of these Commitments, the Trustee shall cease to act as Trustee only after the Commission has discharged it from its duties after all the Commitments with which the Trustee has been entrusted have been implemented.

However, the Commission may at any time require the reappointment of the Monitoring Trustee if it subsequently appears that the relevant remedies might not have been fully and properly implemented. Section F. The review clause The Commission may extend the time periods foreseen in the Commitments in response to a request from Merck or, in appropriate cases, on its own initiative.

Where Merck requests an extension of a time period, it shall submit a reasoned request to the Commission no later than one month before the expiry of that period, showing good cause.

This request shall be accompanied by a report from the Monitoring Trustee, who shall, at the same time send a non-confidential copy of the report to the Notifying Party.

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Plus, a new section on exotics takes you through the anatomy of ferrets, rodents, rabbits, snakes, and lizards to ensure you are well versed in all potential household pets. With this vivid change-of-pace study tool, you have the freedom to master veterinary anatomy in a fun and memorable way.

Over easy-to-color illustrations created by expert medical illustrators shows anatomy in detail and makes it easy to identify specific structures for an entertaining way to learn veterinary anatomy. Regional section organization the head and ventral neck; neck, back, and vertebral column; thorax; abdomen; pelvis and reproductive organs; forelimb; and hindlimb allows students to easily compare the anatomy of multiple species.

Numbered lead lines clearly identify structures to be colored and correspond to a numbered list beneath the illustration. Section on exotics covers the anatomy of ferrets, rodents, rabbits, snakes and lizards in addition to the anatomy of dogs, cats, horses, pigs, cows, goats, and birds. Recognize and treat the parasites seen in veterinary practice! Diagnostic Parasitology for Veterinary Technicians, 5th Edition features clear and concise discussions of the most commonly encountered internal and external parasites.

Chapters are organized by parasite group — including nematodes, cestodes, trematodes, protozoans, arthropods, and leeches — and include a detailed description of the group, with special emphasis on morphology, life cycle, and important parasites. Then in each chapter, material is conveniently organized by host species: dogs, cats, horses, ruminants, swine, birds, lab animals, fish, and reptiles.

Written by noted educators Charles Hendrix and Ed Robinson, this full-color, spiral-bound book provides the knowledge that veterinary technicians need to collect samples, perform lab procedures, and communicate with clients and other members of the veterinary team.

Clear, concise coverage simplifies information on the most commonly encountered internal and external parasites, preparing you for credentialing exams and the veterinary clinic. More than full-color photos show exactly what ova, adult parasites, and parasitic diseases look like, so you can identify them more easily when viewing lab samples.

Step-by-step guidelines in the Laboratory Procedures chapter describe how to gather samples and how to perform the laboratory techniques used in identifying parasites. Emphasis on the zoonotic potential of parasites helps you alert clients and other health care workers to the significance of zoonotic parasites and shows ways in which you can prevent transmission of a zoonotic parasite, condition, or syndrome from animals to humans. Logical chapter organization follows the sequence of parasitology classes, beginning with a basic overview of external parasites, internal parasites, and nematodes, followed by chapters that go into detail of the parasites by host species.

An appendix lists the parasites of each species and shows their location in the text, making information easy to find. Heartworm section helps you recognize and treat heartworms with an in-depth discussion of the performance and interpretation of diagnostic tests for this major parasite. Summary tables show how to categorize parasites, and include such categories as body systems affected, taxonomic grouping, host species, and location in host.

Table of parasites at the front of the book is arranged by host species and includes page numbers for cross-reference throughout the book. Vet Tech Threads design makes learning easier with chapter outlines, chapter objectives, key terms, and Technician Notes in every chapter.

Chapter on terminology familiarizes you with the basic language and classification scheme of parasitology for more effective communication with clients and colleagues.

Flash cards on the Evolve companion website help you learn and memorize key facts about the major parasites, including audio pronunciations. Now in paperback—the most comprehensive home health reference bestseller Millions of people around the world have relied on The Merck Manual Home Health Handbook for quick access to authoritative, accessible health information.  

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